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Glaucous-winged Gull
[Larus glaucescens]
[Length 26 in. Wingspan 58 in.]
Glaucous-winged Gulls are distinguished from almost all other gulls by the lack of black in the wing tips.
Only the Glaucous Gull is similar, but it is paler overall.
Glaucous-winged Gulls breed along coastal areas in western Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, western Canada, and the states of Washington and Oregon in the US.
They spend their winter in all but the far northern regions of their breeding range and also spread south to southern California and Baja California.
This adult Glaucous-winged Gull was photographed on Attu Island, Alaska, USA.
Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm ED f4.5 lens on Kodachrome 200 film.
(Date: May 1988)
(use image name "gullgw" for inquiries)