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Red Phalarope
[Phalaropus fulicarius]
[Length 8.5 in. Wingspan 17 in.]
Few people get to enjoy the beautiful breeding plumage of the Red Phalarope without travelling to the high Arctic regions of Alaska, northern Canada, Greenland, or Siberia, where they breed.
Phalaropes have reversed the roles of the sexes.
Females court males, and the males incubate the eggs and care for the young after they hatch.
This stunning female was photographed in the small marsh at the south end of Trautman Lake at Gambell on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, USA.
Photo taken with a 300mm f4.5 Nikkor ED lens on Kodachrome 200 film.
(Date: May 1989)
(use image name "phalr3" for inquiries)