This "Hawk/Eagle/Falcon/Vulture/etc." Images Page Last Updated: Wednesday December 25, 2024 - 18:11:40 CST
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[Pandion haliaetus]

[Length 23 in. Wingspan 63 in.]

This Osprey was photographed perching on an old telephone pole in southern Florida, USA. Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm ED f4.5 lens on Kodachrome 64 film. (Date: June 1983)

(use image name "ospry4" for inquiries)

Japanese Sparrowhawk
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Japanese Sparrowhawk
[Accipiter gularis]

[Length 10.5 (Male) to 11.75 (Female) in. Wingspan xx in.]

The Japanese Sparrowhawk is a medium-sized Accipiter which breeds in southeastern Russia, North Korea, and most of Japan. It spends the winter in southeastern China, southeastern Asia, and the southern islands of Japan. This Japanese Sparrowhawk was photographed in winter as it hunted from a perch on telephone wires along a road on the island of Okinawa in Japan. Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm EDAF f4 lens on Kodachrome 200 film. (Date: February 1996)

(use image name "hwkjsp" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

The Black Vulture is a common bird throughout the southern US, ranging as far west as Arizona. It is easily recognized and distinguished from its cousin, the Turkey Vulture, by its all-black head (although young Turkey Vultures also have dark heads). In flight, Black Vultures flap their wings much more than Turkey Vultures, and the white patches in the primaries and very short tail also quickly identify them. This one was photographed near a road kill along a road in southern Florida, USA. Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm ED f4.5 lens on Kodachrome 64 film. (Date: November 1979)

(use image name "vultb" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

This Black Vulture was photographed at the ProAves El Dorado Reserve, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Department Magdalena, Colombia. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens (EFL=450mm) on a Nikon D200 camera. (Date: June 10, 2009)

(use image name "vulture_black-1006" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

This Black Vulture was photographed at Achiote Road, Colon, Panama. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens (EFL=450mm) on a Nikon D7000 camera. (Date: August 5, 2011)

(use image name "vulture_black-1007" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

This Black Vulture taking flight was photographed near Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA. Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm ED f4.5 lens on Kodachrome 64 film. (Date: November 1979)

(use image name "vultb2" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

This Black Vulture pair was photographed at Attwater Prairie-Chicken NWR, Eagle Lake, Texas, USA. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens (EFL=450mm) on a Nikon D200 camera. (Date: January 14, 2009)

(use image name "vulture_black-1003" for inquiries)

Black Vulture
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Black Vulture
[Coragyps atratus]

[Length 25 in. Wingspan 59 in.]

This Black Vulture was photographed at Attwater Prairie-Chicken NWR, Eagle Lake, Texas, USA. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens (EFL=450mm) on a Nikon D200 camera. (Date: January 14, 2009)

(use image name "vulture_black-1005" for inquiries)

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Last Updated: Wednesday December 25, 2024 - 18:11:40 CST