This "Longspur/Towhee/Old World Bunting/New and Old World Sparrow/Accentor/etc." Images Page Last Updated: Wednesday December 25, 2024 - 18:11:45 CST
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Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This male Lark Bunting was photographed at the Pawnee National Grassland, Briggsdale, Colorado, USA. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens on a Nikon D7100 camera. (Date: June 4, 2016)

(use image name "bunting_lark-1015" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This female Lark Bunting was photographed at the Pawnee National Grassland, Briggsdale, Colorado, USA. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Nikkor 300mm f/2.8G IF-ED lens + Nikkor TC17E II 1.7x Teleconverter on a Nikon D7100 camera. (Date: June 4, 2016)

(use image name "bunting_lark-1020" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This Lark Bunting was photographed at south Van Tassell Road, Van Tassell, Wyoming, . Photo taken with a AF-S VR Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 IF-ED lens on a Nikon D7100 camera. (Date: July 07, 2018)

(use image name "bunting_lark-1028" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This Lark Bunting was photographed at South Van Tassell Road, Van Tassell, Wyoming. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 IF-ED lens on a Nikon D7100 camera. (Date: July 08, 2018)

(use image name "bunting_lark-1033" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This Lark Bunting was photographed at South Van Tassell Road, Van Tassell, Wyoming. Photo taken with a AF-S VR Nikkor 200-500mm f/5.6 IF-ED lens on a Nikon D7100 camera. (Date: July 08, 2018)

(use image name "bunting_lark-1035" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

This female Lark Bunting was photographed in the foothills near Golden, Colorado, USA. Photo taken with a Nikkor 300mm ED f4.5 lens on Kodachrome 64 film. (Date: September 1981)

(use image name "buntla2" for inquiries)

Lark Bunting
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Lark Bunting
[Calamospiza melanocorys]

[Length 7 in. Wingspan 10.5 in.]

Lark Buntings are common grassland breeding birds of the Great Plains of the US and southern Canada. This male was photographed in the Pawnee National Grasslands in Colorado, USA. Photo taken with a 300mm f4.5 Nikkor ED lens on Kodachrome 200 film. (Date: July 1980)

(use image name "buntla" for inquiries)

McKay's Bunting
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McKay's Bunting
[Plectrophenax hyperboreus]

[Length 6.75 in. Wingspan 14 in.]

This McKay's Bunting was photographed on St. Paul Island in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, USA. Photo taken with a Celestron 1250mm f10 mirror lens on Ektachrome 400 film pushed to 800. (Date: June 1984)

(use image name "bunmck1" for inquiries)

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Copyright © THE OTTER SIDE
Last Updated: Wednesday December 25, 2024 - 18:11:45 CST