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Common Yellowthroat
[Geothlypis trichas]
[Length 5 in. Wingspan 6.75 in.]
A common breeding bird along forest edges and overgrown meadows, the Common Yellowthroat is found throughout the US and southern Canada.
The male is more often heard than seen, singing from the cover of bushes.
Fortunately, he is easily recognized by his repetitive "WITCHITY-WITCHITY-WITCHITY" song.
When he finally shows himself, he is a handsome bird, olive drab above and lemon yellow below, with a black, Raccoon-like face mask.
This one was photographed along the wooded edge of a field in northwestern New Jersey, USA.
A worm was digitally removed from the bird's bill in the "computer darkroom" to enhance the aesthetics of the photo.
Photo taken with a Soligor 300mm f5.6 lens on Kodachrome 64 film.
(Date: June 1979)
(use image name "yelthr" for inquiries)