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American Dipper
[Cinclus mexicanus]
[Length 7.5 in. Wingspan 11 in.]
The American Dipper is found along swift mountain streams throughout the western US, western Canada, and most of Alaska.
It is a dark, stocky bird, known for suddenly diving into the water, where it hunts for food by "walking" along the bottom on the stream.
It accomplishes this by going upstream with its head down, letting the rushing water press its compact body down while its feet grip the gravel and stones of the streambed.
When it does fly, it follows the contour of the stream, rather than go in a straight line which would take it over dry land.
This American Dipper was photographed at Lava Creek along the Grand Loop Road between Mammoth Hot Springs and Tower-Roosevelt, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.
Photo taken with a AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED lens on a Nikon D7100 camera.
(Date: June 14, 2016)
(use image name "dipper_american-1016" for inquiries)